
So Long, Farewell...

June 3, 2011

Today is my last day at my recruiting job!!! It is so bittersweet and I cannot decide if I am excited, nervous, sad....I guess I am a little bit of all of those things. I am leaving the first (real) job I have ever had since I graduated from college and leaving behind my comfort zone.

I have accepted a new job starting on about no down time...and I will be working in a medical office which I am super excited about. The dress code for my new position is a lot more casual than what I am use to so be prepared for my transition from business casual to a more relaxed style on the blog!

Cheer's to new beginnings!!!

Ann Taylor Loft top (click here to purchase)

Urban Outfitters heels

Kohl's shirt (click here to purchase)

Necklace gifted from my mom


  1. So happy to hear the new job worked out!!! Congratulations!

  2. Congrats on the new job! Sometimes leaving your comfort zone is the best thing to happen.

    Your bib necklace is great!

  3. Congratulations!! Good luck at your new job :)

  4. Congrats on your new job!

    I love those heels, with the necklace!

  5. Those heels! i will never not be completely smitten with them. Good luck at your new job!

    Chic on the Cheap

  6. Congrats on the new job. I never schedule any days off between jobs either and always wonder why! Hope you love the new position!

  7. Congrats on the new job! Change is always difficult, but you know when you've made the right decision, and sometimes you just have to move on. You'll do great I'm sure :)

  8. Love the shoes and necklace. Good luck with the new job.


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